Sunday, January 01, 2006

Well, it's all over

I beleive it was friday afternoon (maybe Thrusday but I am sure it was friday) my Fiance' Susanne and I finally ended for good this time.

In a way I wanted it and also didnt want it. I wanted it because she never treats me right. She seems to not know how to be affectionate, being VERY frigid, and this makes her the 3rd woman I have been serious about that has been this way. They start out very affectionate and I even tell them that I am that way and desire it back. They say its all good and such, but after a few months, they always seem to change on me. WTF.

This is a woman that wants me to leave her alone when I pay attention to her, and when I do leave her alone, she gets mad at me for not paying any attention to her. I just dont get that. If you love someone, would you pull away at their every touch day after day?

And yet I wanted to remain with her due to her condition, but I guess I will have to work around that. I also wanted to stay with her cuz I really do love her, I just cant be in love with her unless I want to be hurt all the time. She truely can be a great person when she wants to, but unfortunately that isnt very often.

All well. At least I have someone now in my life that is extremely affectionate and will treat me right.

This page now will be turned into a memoir section about Susanne, all the good memories I have of her. I just hope I can leave out the bad as much as possible because I only want to remember the good times with her.

Good bye Susanne. I will always love you despite all that has happened.


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